Catholic Migration Services offers free legal screenings and services to documented and undocumented immigrants residing in Brooklyn and Queens. Services include Deferred Action on Childhood Arrivals (DACA), family reunification, asylum and humanitarian relief, naturalization, and deportation defense. It is an important ministry here in the Diocese of Brooklyn, also known as the Diocese of Immigrants.
These services cost money, of course. Before the involvement of DeSales Media’s Government Relations, Catholic Migration Services had received $0 in funding from the New York City Council. That number is now in excess of $1.2 million, each year.
At the Diocese of Brookyn’s Migration Mass in 2017, Father Patrick J. Keating, CEO of Catholic Migration Services, preached the homily.

Our Government Affairs people work with City, State, and Federal elected officials and agencies. In this capacity, the Director and Deputy Director are registered lobbyists at the City, State, and Federal levels, and represent the interests of DeSales Media Group, the Diocese of Brooklyn, and Catholic Migration Services, including the issues of immigration, poverty, school funding, school safety, and disaster relief.
Learn more about the good work Catholic Migration Services does at, a website that DeSales Media built, manages and maintains.