When the Year of Vocations was announced, it was clear to the Rector of our minor seminary that it was time for a new website. Fr. Sears called up DeSales and explained that they hadn’t had a website in five years. We quickly purchased the desired domain and got to work, understanding what was important for the prospective and enrolled seminarians of the Cathedral Seminary House of Formation.

Cue what is now a gorgeous, modern site that serves the needs of seminarians, giving them online library access and keeping their families up to date with events and photos. And, these features signal to prospective priests the kinds of resources they will find attending this key piece of the St. Charles Borromeo partnership, connecting the minor seminary to the other seminaries in the New York City area–all part of the St. Joseph seminary system.

The site also draws attention to the Masters in Theology program that is available to laity. Through this work, the work of the diocese, and the ongoing promotions that Cathedral Seminary does, they have increased the number of seminarians in attendance, and demand for their other theology programs.