2018 was dedicated to a Year of Vocations and the biggest emphasis was on the need for diocesan priests. In speaking to our diocese’s Vocations Director, Fr. Suckiel (and in looking at the existing site), it was clear that a major component of this campaign would be a complete redesign of the website.

The purpose of brooklynpriests.org is to engage young men who are discerning or who are considering discerning the priesthood. The website is informative on all aspects of priestly life and encourages young men to get involved by joining Fr. Suckiel at any number of meetups and events at the House of Discernment and elsewhere.

The website contributed to an overwhelming response from young men in the diocese–more than Fr. Suckiel had ever seen in his five years as Vocations Director. He is still working with many of them as they continue to discern, finish their secondary studies, and prepare for our minor seminary, the Cathedral Seminary House of Formation in Douglaston, Queens.
This site was produced alongside two companion sites: one for Cathedral Seminary and one about discernment and vocations, What’s My Calling?