This year, the Diocese of Brooklyn launched their first ever Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage. Over the course of 40 days of Lent in preparation for Easter, people were invited to participate in a daily pilgrimage to 42 churches within Brooklyn and Queens for Eucharistic Adoration.

Banners, passports, and certificates were designed by our creative team. Pilgrims were given passports so they could be stamped by the parish to record their journey. A banner with QR code was displayed upon entering the stationed parish so pilgrims could scan with their devices, and check in to the location. After the journey, they would provide proof of visiting at least 20 parishes to receive a certificate of recognition.

On the diocesan website, we created a landing page where people could find the specific church hosting the pilgrimage for that day, as well as its location, and schedule.

As part of our Marketing efforts to promote the Diocesan Lenten Pilgrimage, we advertised in The Tablet newspaper, on our social platforms, and through sending weekly emails.

The homepage of the diocesan website was updated daily with images and information about the station church of the day.

Based on a survey provided by our team to participants, pilgrims had a positive experience and look forward to participating in the journey next year. They described it as unique, special, prayerful, enriching, spiritual, holy, and quite rewarding.