Above all else, our goal is to help Catholics put their faith into action and practice. Our Lenten campaign was designed to welcome Catholics back to church at this incredibly important time of solemn remembrance and joyous celebration. And why not engage when so many unchurched Catholics still receive their ashes on Ash Wednesday?

So, in addition to the Easter and Reconciliation Monday program we run each year, we also run a Lenten campaign for the Diocese of Brooklyn. In 2019, we designed an omnichannel campaign Walk with Him in the Desert executed at several levels. At the diocesan level was a print and digital awareness campaign, run in cooperation with neighboring dioceses. At the parish level, a toolkit of traditional and digital ads, social posts and announcements was developed to make it easy for our 180 parishes to join the campaign. And at the parishioner level, we provided a Lenten challenge calendar to support their individual walk through the desert–available in PDF/printout and Google Calendar.

This program was well received by pastors throughout the diocese, and was incorporated into more than half of all parishes’ Lenten programs. We’ve now established a strong library of free resources centrally designed and developed to build on in the future: https://desalesmedia.org/lenten-toolkit-2019/.