DeSales Media is able to generate coverage of meaningful Catholic stories on behalf of the Diocese of Brooklyn and its parishes. We do this through in-house coverage by our own news brands, and through our Press Secretaries working with secular media.

In the case of Our Lady of the Skies, Currents News first covered the parish, which is a chapel in JFK’s Terminal 4

The Tablet then covered it, and that coverage ultimately led to New York 1 picking up the story.
New York 1 – Catholic Priest Finds His Congregation at JFK Airport

In another case, we put out a press release to alert the media about the big rededication Mass happening at Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary parish. This is a joyous moment in the life of the Church, and we knew it would be a packed house–telling and also showing the true story that the faith is alive and well, even in the hipster-est areas of our own Brooklyn, NY.
Check out the coverage in the Brooklyn Paper – Oh, holy site! Brooklyn bishop hosts ceremony to reopen Williamsburg church